Lost in plain sight - Limited Edition Framed Art


✍🏻 Author: Yani3lle
📍 Newbury, Massachusetts, 2024
📷 Photography
🖼️ 63 cm × 91 cm (24 in × 36 in)

A field of sunflowers typically symbolizes cheer and optimism. Here, the artist prompts us to question preconceived roles and identities: Are we always comfortable in the roles we’ve been assigned?

Full poetry here:
Sunflowers have the difficult job of representing happiness, loyalty, positivity, and all the feel-good
vibes of summer. But has anyone asked a sunflower if it wants to be a sunflower?

Perdidos a simple vista; Los girasoles cargan con la responsabilidad de encarnar la felicidad, la
lealtad, la positividad y todas las buenas vibras del verano. Pero, ¿alguien se ha preguntado alguna
vez si un girasol realmente desea ser un girasol?

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Frame Details:
This artwork is framed in a modern and minimalistic style, complementing its bold message.

  • Mat: High-quality paper

  • Frame/Inside Frame: Sturdy fiberboard with a smooth paper foil finish

  • Front Protection: Lightweight and shatter-resistant polystyrene

Ways to Enjoy It:
Perfect for adding a thoughtful touch to common areas. Let it spur reflection on identity and whether we genuinely embrace—or question—the roles we inherit.

Care Instructions:
To maintain its pristine look, simply clean with a duster to remove dust and keep it looking fresh.